Friday, February 28, 2014

Mod Podging!

Adding the final coat of Mod Podge to the sun sculptures.  Hopefully, everyone will get finished next week.  The snow days have really cut into our art time.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Sun Sculptures

6th graders painting their sun sculptures.  They are using a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Final details and Mod Podge

7th graders are wrapping up their guitars.  Hoping to be done Wednesday.  The final step is a coat of Mod Podge and writing an Artist's Statement.  They will also be posting images of their guitars on  

Monday, February 17, 2014

Applying the final layer of paper mâché

6th graders are working hard on their sun sculptures.  The sooner they finish the paper mâché, the sooner they can paint!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cell paintings

A couple of students stayed after school today to work on some cell paintings for Mrs. Spott's room.  They are just getting started drawing out ideas and starting to paint.  Can't wait to see these finished!

Shading our snowman in homeschool art class.

The bird houses are coming along...

High school clay students are working really hard on their birdhouses.  They have to combine two techniques.  It's fun to see their progress.

Sun Sculptures

6th graders are creating Sun sculptures.  They studied the Aztecs in Social Studies and we looked at the Aztec Sun Stone yesterday in Art.  The sun has greatly influenced the culture of Mexico and shows up in the art work of artist today. We looked at a contemporary painting that still show the battle between the sun and the moon and Folk Art pieces.  E are using the elements of art to create our sculptures.